Your way to the first $1,000

Your way to the first $1,000

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Drop shopping
Your way to the first $1,000
We often hear about dropshipping and it is always listed under titles such as:
From bankrupt to $1,000 a month.
Your way to riches in days.
..... and other addresses that make you wonder about that field and how to join it, but do not worry, I am here to help you with that.
I will explain the ways to shop from A to Z on this page, but follow me until you receive a notification when this series comes down because it will be on several posts to facilitate your understanding of this field and these posts will be consecutive until you know everything about this field and I promise you, you will not leave here unless you can The beginning of the dropshipping by yourself.


I know that when I start explaining the path shopping, you will feel as if these things will not happen, but honestly it will change your life for the better, but focus with me on every word you will write on that subject, and now let’s start with God’s blessing.....
First: What is dropshipping?
I will tell you a short story that will suffice to understand that question.....Imagine with me that now you went somewhere and found that they were selling an iPhone for 10,000 pounds, for example, and you were able to buy that phone, so you bought it on the way back and someone came across to ask you about somewhere He sells iPhones..I think you expected what I will say now..yes, so I took out that iPhone that I bought a little while ago and offered it to him, but for 12,000 pounds, so he agreed to buy it from you here. I made a profit of 2000 pounds, and this is called drop-shopping, but in a simpler way.
What if I told you that you can do all this through the Internet only, but without delivering or even buying? I think the topic seemed easy, right?
But follow along.....
But before continuing, perhaps a confusing question comes to your mind, which is, isn't that a monument because you are raising the price to the buyer?
- I liked your way of thinking, but do not worry, this is trade, my friend.
.......Follow me to receive notification of the rest of the series.

 Written By: Mohannad Farhat

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