Cyber security and information security

Cyber security and information security

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?Difference between cyber security and information security

Cybersecurity is defined as a system for protecting computer systems directly connected to the Internet, and protecting data and programs against any electronic attacks without the need to organize a security plan. It is able to protect users from attempts by computer hackers to access their computer systems and know their personal information. to exploit them, especially after individuals and institutions depend on the Internet in their practical and personal lives
Information security is defined as a system for protecting digital information, through which data can be encrypted, and networks and infrastructure that contain personal information, financial information, and corporate data can be provided, all of which are intensively protected against any intrusions, and this is the difference between it and cybersecurity associated with protecting Online software only

?What are the intersection points of cybersecurity and information security

There are some points of intersection between both cybersecurity and information security. Information security intersects with cybersecurity. Because it specializes in securing and protecting all information, data, and programs in the vicinity of the cyber system, including information security. As for information security, it focuses on information security only despite its connection to the cyber system

    -:Examples of cyber security

 :Critical infrastructure security
 This system consists of the cyber-physical systems upon which all modern societies depend. Examples of critical infrastructure are; Electrical network, water purification, traffic lights, hospitals, and shopping centers
However, relying on the infrastructure of the electricity network on the Internet is somewhat dangerous, due to the possibility of being exposed to electronic attacks, so all organizations that rely on the infrastructure in their work must develop a contingency plan, by assessing the impact of the attack on critical infrastructure

 :Application security
Application security is defined as one of the multiple security measures necessary to protect systems, and there are several types of application security, most notably computer firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption software, all of which prevent unauthorized access, and can also be set to secure data within specific applications

 :Network security
Network security secures all internal networks, by securing the infrastructure and preventing access to it, to enhance its functioning and to help manage network security monitoring, security teams use machine learning to report any unusual movement, and warns of threats in real time, so network administrators take action and the policies required to stop unauthorized access
 Network security depends on several measures, most notably; Set new passwords, download antivirus software, download antispyware software, additional logins, firewalls, and encryption

  -:Examples of information security

The work of encryption is to hide the contents; To secure the information, and thus make it impossible to access it except by users who have the correct encryption key, and the information will appear in a way that is incomprehensible to intruders. Encryption can be used to protect information throughout life, and it can also be protected during its storage or transmission by security teams
 Security teams use tools such as cryptographic algorithms, technologies such as blockchain, and an advanced encryption standard called AES, which is the most popular because there is more support for these tools, and less overhead to use them

 :Infrastructure security
 Infrastructure security strategies protect infrastructure components, including; Networks, client devices, servers, data centers, and mobile devices, but be aware that the increased connection of these devices with other infrastructure components without proper precautions will expose data to the risk of being compromised

  :Cloud security
Cloud security provides the same protection as application and infrastructure security, with a greater focus on components and cloud-related information.
Cloud security provides additional tools and protections; To strengthen vulnerabilities associated with Internet-related services, in addition to focusing on  .. centralizing security management and tools, which maintains visibility of threats and information across distributed resources

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