Top 3 Native Ads Companies for Advertisers

Top 3 Native Ads Companies for Advertisers

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Native Ads is a well-known term in the world of online marketing, which in Arabic means Native Ads, and it is an innovative trick that marketers have resorted to in order to attract customers to their products or services.

Although the term may be strange to you, dear reader... especially if you have a simple background in e-marketing, but you may have noticed examples of these ads.

When you enter the YouTube platform to watch a certain video, you will certainly find an advertisement that was broadcast while watching the video, whether it was before the beginning of the video or in the middle of it. specific service.

All of these images and more are what are called Native Ads.

If you want to show your product or service to the consumer through this method of marketing and advertising, or you are a site owner and want to get profit by displaying this type of ads on your site, follow this article with us to learn about the best Native Ads companies.

What are the conditions set by each company so that you can participate in it, whether you are an advertiser or a publisher (website owner), and we will also discuss information about the payment methods that each company specifies.

In addition to a part that we will dedicate to information and some details that will benefit you as a marketer for your project through Native Ads or Native Ads.

Best Native Ads Companies
1. Taboola Company
It is a platform that is one of the best Native Ads companies in the world, and it is one of the largest and even fiercest competitors to Google Adsense.
It presents its advertisements about the product or service in the form of advertisements on websites, or recommends the product or service to an audience of interest. An example of this recommendation is when you read a certain article or watch certain content, you find the site showing you relevant content, whether in the form of an article or a video.
Taboola covers most of the world.
USA Today, Business Insider, and The Weather Channel are major publishers.
If you want to work with her as a publisher, she requires that the number of monthly visits to the site she owns should reach from half a million to one million visitors.
The company accepts PayPal and Payoneer payments.
The cost for 1000 impressions is $2.
2. Outbrain
It is considered one of the best international Native Ads companies, as recent marketing research has proven that it has about 80% of the most famous international brands.
Advertisements are presented in the form of video, written articles, slides, and other methods.
Its major publishers have sites The Guardian, Washington Post, BBC News, MSN, CNN.
The cost of 1,000 impressions ranges from 37 cents to $1.12.
The company requires that your site have a minimum of 10 million visitors per month.
outbrain is very strong in the USA, if you are an advertiser and you are targeting an American audience, this platform will be of great help to you to spread your business or company there.

3. MGID Corporation
It is a company with a long history in the field of Native Ads.
The company covers Latin America and Asia.
MGID is widely seen in most news websites, of which it is one of the most popular publishers.
The cost of 1,000 impressions ranges from 30 cents to $2.
The company requires that you sign up as a publisher for your site to have 10,000 visits per day, or 300,000 visits per month.
Payment methods in the company are PayPal and web money.

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