"How to Turn the Virtual Granny Game into a Fun Real-Life Game with Your Kids"

"How to Turn the Virtual Granny Game into a Fun Real-Life Game with Your Kids"

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In this article, There is information , or you can call them rules that can help you and your children convert a virtual game to real game that you can enjoy with your kids There is an old game called granny that can be installed on either android phones or iPhone devices. The rules are pretty simple as follows

The more players there is, the more the game will be fun. One of the players will be granny; Granny is supposed to act old , and her sight is very weak that she only sees other players that act as intruders to her house when they are too close to her ,but she can can hear very well that if she heard any noise coming from the intruders, she can run toward the noise to capture the intruder. The other players will act as intruders who will try to escape granny's house without being seen. They'll find things at the house to help them get out like drugs to let granny go numb for a minute, also They can find a bat to hit granny ,so she can faint also for a minute. When granny gets hit, The players can move freely and do noises as they want to find the house's keys. The player who will play granny's role will hide the things that will let the intruders escape her house. She'll hide the keys and the things that will numb her or let her faint for a minute; These thing can be any object that the children will get together before playing, and they can name the objects as they please. The game can also have many keys for the house, not just one. Every time the player which acts as granny sees one of the intruders, She will run after the intruder and try to lock him in a room that they'll all choose before playing. The intruders can hide if granny sees them, so they won't lose 

Each time granny captures one of the intruders, the whole team of intruders have to be locked in a room. They have five days or five chances before they lose, each time they get caught , it is considered a day or a chance. When the intruders get locked down in the room, they have to make noises in the room and hide, so granny will have to open the door to check on them, but when she doesn't see them, she'll immediately leave the room and won't close it again, and now the players can run out to find the objects they need to escape. When a new day starts Granny will re-hide the objects in the same spots. Granny will win if the five days pass  ,and the players are still in her house, but the intruders will win if they could find all the hidden objects and escape the house  

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