WhatsApp Business Uses WhatsApp Business Features

WhatsApp Business Uses WhatsApp Business Features

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WhatsApp Business
WhatsApp Business is one of the most popular applications of our time. WhatsApp Business is used by many business people, investors and others.
WhatsApp Business Uses
The WhatsApp business app is a recent app that has recently been released, yet it has been admired by all and has achieved great fame and success.
Facebook recently made the application; Desiring to help entrepreneurs, investors, companies and other business owners in order to facilitate communication with their customers, This application is a little different from WhatsApp Messenger, it is not used for knowledge and public relations. But it is used in business only and easily communicate with customers for corporate owners As it is only for business owners, it can link their business to this app and is available to all employers business ", whether business, online products company or self-employment, This app is also completely free and easy to use so many employers use it.
WhatsApp Business Features
Business owners are looking for a user-friendly app with no high costs and this is the most important feature of WhatsApp Business, and here are the advantages of the app:
Fully free, so business owners don't have to pay a fee and this is a competitive advantage.
Easy to use, you can send and receive messages very smoothly that don't need complexity.
You can communicate with your customers face to face through video contact.
You can also communicate with them only.
Security and confidentiality of information, the most important characteristic of WhatsApp for business, someone cannot deceive a client by any means.
You can use the app to advertise and promote one of your products.
You can send the services provided by your company directly to the customer without paying any fees from the parties.
Ease of communication for the customer, he can ask for everything he wants and verify it without effort and waste time.
The app also gives you an automatic response feature, we know that employers are always busy in their business, they have no so-called free time, and the customer needs a quick response by the company, these are two contradictory factors but this feature has saved a lot and a lot.
If an uncle entersA new customer for corporate owners, there is a welcome message sent to him, and it is worked through settings.
There is also backup, since clearing messages is one of the most angry to the customer or employer because this means that it has lost all the workpiece details, but the app lets you backup, if you lose your messages you can access them again from Google Drive
You can also register in the app through a landline, not the requirement to register with a mobile number
WhatsApp Business Flaws
Yes, for each application benefits and damages can cause huge consequences, here are these risks:
WhatsApp Business requires special details about the company or product, this is not proportionate to the employer, and here causes a major problem.
The app doesn't support much of the features employers need, just lets you have important characteristics for your personal business only.
When making a video call or sound, there is a potential for misuse of employer or company data, which causes a significant risk to the company's or employer's reputation.
There are no notices or anything like this that reminds the employer that there is a business, and this advantage is also found in other applications for work and commerce: business scheduling.
One of the disadvantages that also significantly affects is the presence of a limited number of members in the working chat group, which is 256 and this number is insufficient for the company's board members.
There are also limits to sending photos, videos and documents. These files must not exceed 100 MB, and this is incompatible with the work of companies and institutions.
In addition, the quality of photos and videos is poor and this will significantly affect the company or employer, when sending photos or services provided to the customer.
According to WhatsApp Business Laws, you should pay a fine if you violate the Privacy Policy or use this App otherwise than using it.
In case your phone is stolen, your personal and company data cannot be recovered, and it is possible to use this data wrongly.
Difference between WhatsApp Messenger and WhatsApp Business
In fact, WhatsApp Business is a version of WhatsApp Messenger with a few modifications, and we will now learn about the most important differences between them.
In both apps you can easily send photos, videos and documents free of charge.
You can also make video or r calls.Voice with anyone around the world.
You can download or share the so-called situation in the top bar in the two apps.
It also allows you to determine who can see your condition and who can't.
However, WhatsApp Messenger is heavily used for dating and rounding distances, and WhatsApp for Business is tantamount to promoting products that employers have.
WhatsApp Messenger is used largely by relatives and friends and WhatsApp is used by companies, employers and investors.
There is no automatic or quick response feature in WhatsApp Messenger, but this feature is found in WhatsApp Business.
WhatsApp Business can also place a workplace or link any account of your own to any application such as Facebook, but at WhatsApp Messenger there is no such feature.
WhatsApp Business Conversations Classification feature, this feature is in the form of different colors, making it easier for you to distinguish customers by these colors.
WhatsApp Messenger does not allow you to register by landline, but in WhatsApp you can register by landline.
Download WhatsApp Business App
The app allows everyone to install it on all systems such as Android and IOS and you can also download it on your computer or laptop Mac and Windows.
Download WhatsApp Business
First you can download the app from Google Play and App Store, by typing WhatsApp business in the search box.
After the app appears you can press install or download and then wait for a short while until the installation is successful.
Then we open the application and write the business number or company number.
Then go back to the SMS app and copy the last message you got, the verification code.
Place it in the investigation code, and then write down your company name or business, and confirm this step because you can't change the name later.
Choose a picture to work or your company logo.
So you have completed the registration and you can use your account.
Download the app on computers
First, your device specifications must comply with these specifications that I will mention now.
Windows 8.1 +
macOS 10.10 over and above.
And then you can install the app in a third way as we mentioned it in the mobile phone.
If these specifications are not available in your device
You can use WhatsApp business web
By searching Google for WhatsApp business web and then logging in to the first link.You in the results.
Through your phone, copy the QR code that appears in front of you.
This is how you logged into WhatsApp.
At the end we have shown all details and information about WhatsApp Business

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