learn how to make mobile application run on android and ios by the same code

learn how to make mobile application run on android and ios by the same code

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Flutter is a mobile app development framework created by Google that has many features and benefits including:

1. Uses the Dart language:

Flutter is the front-end and real-time programming language Dart. Dart is a high-performance language, easy to learn, and very efficient in application performance.

2. Unique and beautiful user interfaces:

Flutter provides a wide range of elements and widgets to design and create beautiful and innovative user interfaces in an easy and flexible way. All details such as fonts, colors, transitions, and effects can be customized to meet your design needs.

3. Develop one application for both Android and iOS platforms:

This is one of the most important features of Flutter, as developers can create a single application that works on each platform without having to write again for each platform separately. This enhances productivity and reduces the time and effort spent on cross-platform application development.

4. Beautiful user interfaces and easy customization:

Flutter provides a wide range of widgets and tools that can be used to design beautiful and innovative user interfaces. In addition, interface details such as fonts, colors, transitions, and effects can be customized, allowing developers to achieve distinctive and elegant designs.

5. Seamless development experience:

Flutter offers a smooth and efficient development experience with its Hot Reload feature that allows developers to instantly see source changes made without having to restart the application. This enhances the overall app development process and enables developers to quickly test and update the app design.

6. Active community and strong support:

Flutter has an active and strong community of developers around the world, which means many resources, community libraries, powerful tools, and comprehensive documentation. This community contributes to constantly updating and improving Flutter and providing support and assistance to new developers.

These are just some of the striking features of Flutter, which demand the attention of developers and encourage them to use this framework to develop high-quality and powerful applications on Android and iOS platforms.

This is a brief overview of creating a mobile application using Flutter. See the following steps:

1. Install the development environment:

Make sure you have the Flutter SDK installed and configured the required development environment for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux)

As for Flutter SDK, it is an open source development environment developed by Google and released for the first time in 2018. Flutter SDK is used to develop cross-platform applications at high speed and very beautifully.

To install the Flutter SDK, you can follow these steps:

. Visit the Flutter website: https://flutter.dev
. Download the Flutter SDK that is compatible with the operating system you are using (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
. After downloading the appropriate file, unzip it where you wish to install the Flutter SDK.
. Set the PATH environment variable for the Flutter SDK so that you can access it from anywhere in your operating system.
. Run the "flutter doctor" command on the command line to verify the installation and required dependencies are correct.
. Install one of the virtual tools like Android Studio or Visual Studio Code and install the necessary components to develop Flutter applications.
. Create a new Flutter project and start developing your app using the Flutter SDK.

2. Create a new project:

After installing Flutter, you can create a new project using the “flutter create” command. The basic file structure (such as master file and design files) will be created automatically.

3. User interface design:

Open the main file created in the previous step and modify it according to the needs of your application. Flutter uses the "Widget" function to build the visual UI. You can use pre-existing Widgets or create your own.

4. Adding jobs:

Define the logic of the application and add additional features such as connection to web services, databases, or geolocation. You can use the provided Flutter packages to access ready-made tools and APIs.


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