Mastering Stained Glass Art: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Vibrant and Dimensional Glass Artwork with Photoshop

Mastering Stained Glass Art: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Vibrant and Dimensional Glass Artwork with Photoshop

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Unlock the secrets of digital stained glass mastery with our comprehensive guide that transforms ordinary images into stunning works of art. Delve into the intricate world of Photoshop techniques as we guide you through the step-by-step process of enhancing your images with vibrant stained glass effects. Elevate your creative skills as we explore the art of adding dimension, texture, and captivating detail to your digital masterpieces. Whether you're an aspiring digital artist or a seasoned designer, this tutorial promises to enrich your repertoire with valuable insights into the art of crafting visually striking stained glass windows.

1Add Outlining to the Subject

Double-click an empty area of the subject's layer to open the Layer Style window. Click "Stroke". The color is black, the size is 6 pixels, the position is outside, the Blend Mode is Normal, and the opacity is 100%.

   2Create the Stained Glass Background

Make a new layer under our subject by Ctrl or Cmd-clicking the New Layer icon. We'll fill it with white and since our background color is white, press Ctrl or Cmd + Delete. Convert it into a Smart Object and go to Filter and Filter Gallery. Change the cell size to 48 or 49 and the Border Thickness to 9.  

3Remove Color for Dimension

Double-click the thumbnail of your subject to open its source. Make a new layer and fill it with white which is our background color. Place your cursor on the Layer Mask and press and hold Alt or Option as you drag a copy of it next to the white layer.

4Isolate the Leading

Hide the bottom layer and press Ctrl or Cmd + S to save the image. Open back your stained-glass document. We now have just the leading of our subject and background because we saved the white shape of our subject without the color.

5Invert the Selection

Open the Channels panel. If you don't see it, go to Window and Channels. Ctrl or Cmd-click any of the channel thumbnails to select the leading. Invert the selection by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + Shift + I.

6Add Black Leading Layer

Open back the Layers panel and make a new layer. Fill the selection with black and deselect it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + D.

7Restore Original Subject Layer

Hide the leading layer and double-click the thumbnail of the subject's smart object to open back its source. Hide the top layer and make the original subject layer visible.

8Place Background Image

Close the Smart Object's ".psb" tab and click "Yes" to save the changes. Open your background. To place it into our stained-glass image, press Ctrl or Cmd + A to select it and Ctrl or Cmd + C to copy it. Click your stained-glass document tab to open it and press Ctrl or Cmd + v to paste the background onto it.  

9Add Gaussian Blur to Background

If you see just the leading over your background, don't worry. Once we place our background below the stained-glass layer, we'll see the color inside the leading. To do this, we can either manually drag the background below the stained-glass layer or press Ctrl or Cmd and the left bracket key on our keyboard. Convert it into a Smart Object and go to Filter, Blur, and Gaussian Blur. Blur it 20 to 25 pixels.

10Add Glass Distortion Filter

Go to Filter and Filter Gallery. Close the Texture folder and open the Distort folder. Click "Glass". Open the Texture presets and click "Canvas". Make the Distortion: 20, the Smoothness: 15, and the Scaling: 200%.  

11Set Stained Glass Layer Blend Mode

Make the stained-glass layer active and change its Blend Mode to Multiply.

12Add Dimension to Leading

 Make the Leading layer active and convert it into a Smart Object. Double-click an empty area of the layer to open its Layer Style window. Click Bevel & Emboss. The Style is Inner Bevel, the Technique is Chisel Hard, and the Depth is 100%. The Direction is Up, the Size is 6 pixels, and the Soften is 0. The Angle is 120 degrees, and the Altitude is 30 degrees. The Gloss Contour is linear. The Highlight Mode is Screen, the color is white, and the opacity is 100%. The Shadow Mode is Multiply, the color is black, and its opacity is 75%.

13Add Outer Glow

  Click "Outer Glow". The Blend Mode is Soft Light, the Opacity is 30%, and the Noise is 0. The color is black, the Technique is Precise, the Spread is 8%, and the Size is 8 pixels. The Contour is linear, and the range is 50%.

14Brighten the Image

Lastly, we'll brighten it. Click the Adjustment Layer icon and click "Levels". Slide the Input white level to the left until you like the brightness of your stained glass window.


In conclusion, harness the power of Photoshop to breathe life into your artistic vision and elevate your designs to new heights. By mastering the intricate steps outlined in this tutorial, you'll not only acquire a profound understanding of digital stained glass techniques but also cultivate the ability to infuse richness and depth into your creations. The fusion of creativity and advanced Photoshop skills allows you to produce visually arresting stained glass artwork that captivates audiences and stands as a testament to your artistic prowess. Unleash your creativity, explore the endless possibilities, and embark on a journey to create digital stained glass masterpieces that are truly priceless.

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