Stages of Internet development

Stages of Internet development

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Stages of Internet development

The beginning of the Internet

The Internet began in the 1960s as a way for government researchers to exchange information, so one very large stationary computer had all the information, and access to the machine had to be made to make use of the information stored in it, or to use a recording. A device that was sent through the mail, and had a stimulus. Another reason for the formation of the Internet was the escalation of the Cold War, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik of the US Department of Defense in order to consider ways to spread information even after a nuclear attack. , which eventually led to the formation of Arpanet (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), which eventually morphed into what we now know as the Internet of Networks. [1

Phase 1969-1976

The Advanced Research Projects Agency connected four of America's largest universities in December to provide research and education and to provide the country's communications network in the event of a military attack that disrupts traditional communications systems. It was created in 1972 by computer scientist Ray Tomlinson Invented email, using the (@) in e-mail addresses to distinguish between sender and network names, followed by the design of the Internet Transmission Control Protocol in 1973, and in 1983 the FTP file transfer protocol became the standard for communication between computers via Internet One, which allows a user to log on to a remote computer and allow access to List of files on this device and download them. In 1976, presidential candidate Jimmy Carter used email to plan his campaign. In the election, Queen Elizabeth sends her first email. [2]

Stage 1982-1989

The word (Internet) was used for the first time in 1982, then in 1984 domain names were created with network addresses, which were identified by extensions, for example: com, org, edu, and later in 1985, e-mail began In providing billboards, news and information of all kinds, then the word (virus) was used for the first time in 1988, when about 10% of Internet servers in the world were closed as a result, but in 1989 a new technology was developed to distribute information in the Internet, called World Wide Web. [2]

stage 1990-1999

The first attempt at indexing the Internet was made in 1991, after which the White House launched its website ( in 1994, and the miracle of providing access via the Internet began, and the first programming language called Java was introduced in 1995. Languages, in At that time, about 45 million people used the Internet, with the population of North America (United States and Canada) about 30 million people, Europe 9 million people, Asia-Pacific (Australia, Japan 6 million people, etc.), 43.2 million or 44 % of American households own personal computers, 14 million of them went online in 1996, the term (blog) was used for the first time in 1997, Google opened its first office in California in 1999, and allowed users to exchange music online, then netizens Worldwide the number reached 150 million in early 1999, then the term (e-commerce) became widely used and online shopping became popular.

2000-2015 stage

When Wikipedia was founded in 2000, viruses began to be designed and spread more frequently to computer users, and as of January 2002, 58.5% of the US population used the Internet, with 544.2 million users worldwide. In 2003, Apple computers introduced the iTunes music store, in 2005 a website ( was launched, in 2006 there were more than 92 million on the Internet, and in 2014 encryption software was released to make transactions between computers secure Remotely, and to enable user vulnerability restrictions to errors in names, passwords, and personal information, in 2015, specifically on September 26, Mark Zuckerberg spoke at the 70th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness and rally support for the initiative, Zuckerberg's goal is to make the Internet accessible to all. and make it a fundamental human right and an essential instrument of global justice. [2]

In the coming years, the Internet is poised for big changes and developments, which will revolutionize how we use it.

While the Internet has the potential to break down cultural and national barriers, it is not a process that will happen overnight. In fact, it could take decades for this shift to really bear fruit.

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