The Israeli-Palestinian conflict: a simple and concise explanation
shanat harakat hamasiat musalahat fi qitae ghazat, walam taeud tusaytir ealaa 'iisrayiyl fi 7 'uktubar/ tishrin al'awl, hayth tatimu muhajamat alliqa'at almuqatilat 'iilaa manatiq min albira. wqutl ma la yaqilu ean 1400 'iisrayiyli, wayaqul aljaysh al'almaniu 203 min aljunud walmadaniiyna, wamin baynihim nisa' wa'atfalun, tama aiqtiaduhum 'iilaa ghazat kurahayini. kama yaqum 'akthar min 4500 filastiniin min qitae ghazat baed 'akthar min 'usbueayn bibad' alharba; mujaladat min alqadat aleaskariiyn walmidfaeiat alati yunafidhunaha radana ealaa dhalika. w alhashd alshaebiu min alqadat aleaskariiyn ealaa hudud qitae ghazat yabruz eamaliatan bariyatan kabiratan. wafi alwaqt nafsihi, yuftrd 'ana alhisar hisar kamil ealaa almintaqati, wamanaeat dukhul altaeam walwaqud waghayriha min aleanasir aldaruriati. dakhal musaeidu shahinat yawm alsabt 21 'uktubar tishrin al'awal biwisatat lus 'anjilus ?
Britain took control of Palestine after defeating the Ottoman Empire, which ruled this part of the Middle East, in World War I.
This land was inhabited by an Arab majority and a Jewish minority.
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Tensions grew between the two sides when the international community gave Britain the task of establishing a “national homeland” for the Jewish people in Palestine, which for the Jews represents the land of their ancestors, and the same is also true for the Palestinian Arabs who see it as their land, so they opposed this step. A Haganah fighter before the start of the 1948 war and the founding of the State of Israel
In the period between the 1920s and the 1940s, the number of Jews coming to Palestine increased, many of whom were fleeing the religious persecution they were subjected to in Europe, searching for a homeland in the wake of what was known as the Holocaust in World War II.
Violence also grew between Jews and Arabs or against British rule in the region.
In 1947, the United Nations voted on a resolution to divide Palestine into two separate states, one Jewish and the other Arab, with Jerusalem becoming an international city.
The Jewish leaders agreed to this plan, which was rejected by the Arab side. It was never implemented. Wait for the rest of the story